7.1 No representation, warranty or condition, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, as to condition satisfactory quality, performance, fitness for purpose or otherwise is given by CareerCoops or its Group Companies in respect of the Website, including the Website (i) being compatible with all hardware and software which may be used by visitors to the Website, (ii) operating in accordance with your expectations, (iii) being error free, (iv) being accurate, or (v) being available. All such representations, warranties and conditions are excluded except to the extent their exclusion is prohibited by law.
7.2 CareerCoops liability to you and your sole remedy vis-à-vis CareerCoops under or in connection with the Website (whether based on negligence, breach of contract, breach of statutory duty, restitution, tort or otherwise) shall be to take such actions reasonably required at CareerCoops discretion to remove or delete data entered in error or the subject of dispute, or correct data entered in error.
7.3 These terms and conditions do not exclude liability (if any) to you for personal injury or death resulting from negligence or fraud of CareerCoops or its Group Companies or for any matter which would be illegal for CareerCoops or any such Group Company to exclude or to attempt to exclude its liability.
7.4 Except as set out in clause 7.3, each of CareerCoops and its Group Companies will not be liable to you whatsoever (whether based on negligence, breach of contract, breach of statutory duty, restitution, tort or otherwise) for any injury, death, cost, damage or direct, indirect or consequential loss (all three of which terms include pure economic loss, loss of profits, loss of business, depletion of goodwill and like loss) whether it was foreseeable or not, howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with the use or relying on this Website, including as a result of any computer virus. It is your responsibility to run an antivirus program when using this Website.
7.5 You agree to indemnify CareerCoops and its Group Companies and hold them harmless from and against any costs, expenses, liabilities, injuries, damages, claims, demands, proceedings or legal costs which CareerCoops or such Group Companies may suffer or incur in consequence of (i) Using Your Material or (ii) you being in breach of these terms and conditions.
7.6 Certain statements on this Website comprise forecasts on CareerCoops’s future financial condition and results from operations and certain plans and goals. By their nature, such forecasts generate risk and uncertainty because they concern events in the future and depend on circumstances which then apply. Any number of factors can cause actual results and developments to deviate from those expressed in the forecasts stated here. Such factors can be, for example, general economic conditions, scarcity on the employment market and the resulting demand for (temporary) personnel, changes in labor legislation, personnel costs, future exchange rates and interest, changes in tax rates, future corporate mergers, acquisitions and divestments and the speed of technical change. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forecasts. These are not intended to provide any guarantees regarding future results. Due to the risks and uncertainties that are always involved in any operating environment or business, we cannot make any assurances that these forecasts will prove correct.